Even though you feel like a bad mother,
Doesn’t mean you aren’t a good enough one.

(There is NO such a thing as a perfect mother. It doesn’t exist. The desire to be one is what makes you great! Your willingness makes u great!)

Even though you feel like you are doing nothing,
Doesn’t mean you are worthless.

(You are valuable and precious to so many with a heart of gold that’s just broken right now.)

Even though you are angry at your kids and sometimes yell,
Doesn’t mean you don’t love them.

(Kids are resilient and more forgiving than any adult. They understand mommy’s not feeling well.)

Even though you feel weak and tired and can’t do as much as you once did,
Doesn’t mean you aren’t the strongest bravest person who is battling a huge battle with courage and dignity.

(Admitting you are broken and need help takes superhuman strength.)

Even though everyone around you seems to be managing and functioning,
Doesn’t mean they are judging you even if it feels that way.

(Compare and despair – not everyone’s outsides match their insides!)

Even though this PPD feels endless and hopeless,
Doesn’t mean there isn’t a light at the end of this tunnel.

(You will get better. You will feel stronger. You will become as a result a more empathetic, caring , loving person.)

Even though you have Postpartum depression,
Doesn’t mean it is your fault.

This too shall pass.

Published On: June 3rd, 2015Categories: Our VOICE, Uncategorized

The opinions expressed on this blog  are personal accounts shared by individuals who are not Yad Rachel professionals. These are shared for inspiration purposes and do not represent the opinions of Yad Rachel nor serve as diagnostic tools. Please seek professional help if you or someone you know is struggling with a mood disorder.