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Slowly Digging Out of Depression’s Darkness

I am running, running, on the racetrack, trying to get to the finish line so I can finally sit down with my feet up, to enjoy the satisfied pleasure of accomplishment. My feet ache, the sun’s rays are burning, and a headache is forming and gaining strength. I wish that my path wasn’t so long—and that the weather be cooler, that I would be stronger, that the headache would wait until I could sink into oblivion on my cozy bed.

2024-05-29T21:45:33+00:00March 6th, 2024|Uncategorized|

Being Grounded

Once or twice a week I work for a very special organization called NITZA, The Israel Center for Maternal Health. Located in Jerusalem, it provides psychological, physical and emotional support for women with postpartum depression. While I have observed that there are similarities between the women who come to NITZA, there are no concrete rules. A first-time mother is just as likely to come to the clinic as a woman who gave birth to her sixth child.

2024-03-06T17:08:26+00:00January 10th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Trauma, New Parenthood and the Pandemic

“In these challenging times,” “we’re all in this together,” “stay at home.” If no one has given you permission to scream from hearing these phrases, allow me to do that. Being exasperated does not diminish the value of these statements that are 1) acknowledging what is happening, 2) normalizing the experience and 3) making a plan to be well – that is all perfectly sound messaging. However, it is also perfectly human to be frustrated, angry, exhausted, triggered, sad, and overwhelmed by this world health crisis.

2024-03-06T17:20:06+00:00May 17th, 2020|Uncategorized, VOICE of the Professional|

10 Easy Ways to Boost Mood

No matter our age, occupation, or lifestyle, we ALL experience stressors in our day-to-day lives. Finding useful activities or coping skills, can help boost your mood, mental health, and give your mind a much-needed break in the form of relaxation and fun.

2024-03-06T17:22:38+00:00January 2nd, 2019|Our VOICE, Uncategorized|

Coming to Grips with My Mental Illness

I used to think that people with mental illness are incapable, dysfunctional, dumb, and just downright weird. Until I had the distinct honor and pleasure of joining the exclusive club. After my first child was born I developed severe postpartum depression. Life as I knew it ceased to exist. I had sunken into a deep and dark abyss. Through my journey to recovery and self-discovery I was forced to ask myself probing and painful questions. Who am I? What am I? Does my mental illness define me? Am I a worthy being? What makes a person worthy anyways?

2024-03-06T17:23:11+00:00November 27th, 2018|Our VOICE, Uncategorized|

Summer is here!

We hope you are doing well and enjoying some of the glorious weather we’ve had lately. We know how a little sunshine can go a long way! The dark, cold and dreary days of winter are behind us. A new season is unfolding. Homework, holidays, carpools, and even some of our jobs are going on hiatus. The frantic and frenetic mode that we experience during the year is slowing down to make way for lazy mornings and relaxing evenings.

2024-03-06T17:23:44+00:00June 19th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Tips to a Stress Free Purim!

Purim is around the corner, just days away. A beautiful Yom Tov, celebrating miracles of redemption and salvation. A day to take the time to recognize and commemorate Hashem’s Hashgacha Pratis so long ago. Feasting, dancing, gift giving, happiness and joy are the themes of the day.

2024-03-06T17:26:58+00:00February 28th, 2018|Our VOICE, Uncategorized|
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